TV Show Wallpaper

After I learned how to use Photo Shop to edit images in the ways that Fireworks can’t by magically healing the areas that have words or icons that I did not like I decided to create a entire webpage on my professional website for my own wallpapers. The first one that I created was an awesome collection of all the many TV Shows that I have in the past watched or the ones that I am currently watching. To make this wallpaper I mostly used Fireworks since it is on a blank canvas that I painted black and then I pasted all the shows logos that I found through Google Images in it after cleaning them up using paint or Photo Shop. I also created 23 of them that I could not find. Some of which are Psych, Covert Affairs, Defying Gravity, V, South Park and many more. I also did part of the logo for Castle since I could not find a good copy of it, however I used their pen and the font that I think they used to recreate it. The finished product of this endeavor is the below image.

I was unable to continue doing this for the old TV Shows that I watched when I was a kid or the Anime ones since this wallpaper alone took me over a week to perfect. So, it will be quite a while till I can make enough of these to warrant a new page on my website. I did though decide that I would use this wallpaper as the background on another project that I was working on for myself which was a list of the weekly shows that I watched in a calendar. The next image is the calendar that I made for December.

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